Membership of NEZRA, entitles the member to one share in NEZRAlot and costs £12.00 biannually with additional shares available at the rate of £12.00 (again biannually) payable alongside the normal membership subscription.

Payable as follows ....

Present members - Monthly Deduction from Pay or a Standing Order payable biannually


New members - Standing Order payable biannually


Application Process

To join NEZRA, complete and submit the form on line.

Upon receipt of your Membership Application, you will be sent a Standing Order Form which you should check the details and add your bank account details, sign and date, then forward the form onto your bank.


For Additional Shares

To obtain additional NEZRAlot shares complete and submit the form online.

Upon receipt of your Lottery Application, you will be sent a Standing Order Form, which will include all your NEZRA payments (i.e. membership and lottery shares), you should check the details and add your bank account details, sign and date, then forward the form onto your bank.